We are perpetually evolving to exceed the expectations of our clients on the road to delivering sustainable growth. The following blogs have been curated to support your journey.

Insights on cultural change within digital transformation

The topic of cultural change is often-overlooked as organisations feel the pressure of delivering top-line revenue generating “digital solutions”. The result? ...


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Some thoughts on the impact of digitalisation in the workplace

When digital transformations are performed successfully, the roles of those who are part of the “new normal” have significant enrichment potential in the following ways...


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Episode 1: Demystifying digital business transformation

DBT transcends mere technology adoption. It's a holistic approach, leveraging technology to elevate customer experience (external), empower employees (internal), and optimize overall business performance (data-driven).


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Episode 2: Co-creating value with your customers

Co-creation is not just a trend - it's a growth mindset for driving innovation and customer centricity. The most innovative solutions often emerge when diverse voices come together.


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Episode 3: Building A Digital Growth Mindset Culture

In this episode, we look at cultivating the essential digital growth mindset to thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.


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Episode 4: The power of data within your digital transformation

A robust data strategy is critical for the success of your digital business transformation. Here's why...


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Episode 5: Mastering Digital Transformation in a Changing World

We are currently experiencing unprecedented levels of disruption in the world. This presents opportunities for those able to navigate turbulent waters.


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Episode 6: Finding Your Digital Champion

In this episode we explore the critical role of the CDO in driving your transformation journey.


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Episode 7: AI - Your Digital Transformation Ally

AI is both a disrupter and transformer. This video introduces some considerations that board members should have oversight on when exploring AI's unlimited potential.


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Episode 8: Charting Your Course - Vision, Purpose & Strategy in Digital Transformation

All successful digital business transformations start with crystallising your purpose, vision and value proposition. Let's explore why....


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Episode 9: Setting Sail for Digital Transformation Success

Over 80% of all digital business transformations fail. Here's what the other 20% have in common...


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